We create opportunity and vitality for the residents and businesses of Ventura’s historic Westside.


During the Fall of 2022, the Westside Innovative Housing Solutions(WINNS), developed a strategy for a one-stop-shop additional dwelling unit(ADU) program for the Westside.


Pura Avenida Made the News!

“A new mural in west Ventura sets images of life along Ventura Avenue onto a 600-foot public canvas on Wall Street. The…

Pura Avenida is Happening!

New Community Mural Celebrates Life on the Avenue Remember this wall? It was part of a bigger dream for the community…

¿Qué es Pura Avenida? 

Pura Avenida (meaning pure avenue) is more than just the story of a mural on Wall St. on the west side…

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